Feeling Artsy II
Hola chicas para este look aproveche a utilizar muchas cositas que he tomado con el tiempo y no habia podido usar hasta ahora. Ademas de otras cositas para decorar que encontre en marketplace pues queria hacer mi propio estudio digamos. Espero les agrade!
Hey ladies this is another artist look, but this time I created my own painter studio with cool free / cheap stuff I got on marketplace and overtime but never had used until now. Hope you like!
Hey ladies this is another artist look, but this time I created my own painter studio with cool free / cheap stuff I got on marketplace and overtime but never had used until now. Hope you like!
Cabello / Hair: [kik]hair-Libby(coffee-brown)
Skin: -tb- {Tan} C88 Neon Corner @ Collabor88 (Nuevo! New!)
Espejuelos / Glasses: :F: Color changing - Reading Glasses
Camisa / Top: -tb- Tied Up Tank - Paint Splatters (FLF still available / aun disponible) *
*Includes body paint splatters in tattoo layer*
*Incluye pintura para el cuerpo en tattoo layer*
Pantalon/ Shorts: -tb- Denim Shorts - Paint Splatters (FLF still available / aun disponible)
Pintura Brazos / Paint Arms : [Kuroi Hane] Painting Madness (parte de / part of) (Free!)
Pincel + Paleta + Gorro / Brush + Palette + Beret: [ENDEAVOR] drawing set (Regalo subscribe / Subscriber Gift)
Calzado / Sneakers: ::Maschienenwerk:: Chucks_Red (n/a)
Carrete + Pintura Suelo / Easel + Floor Paint: Nos Design Easel (40L, Marketplace)*
*Puedes aƱadir la foto que quieras al canvas*
*You can add any photo to the canvas*
Paleta + Pincel / Palette + Brush (floor): .:-CatniP-:. Color Paintbrush / Palette (Free)*
*Tomalos aki al tocar los pinceles y la paleta de colores*
*Tomalos aki al tocar los pinceles y la paleta de colores*
*Get them here by touching the brush and palette on the table*
Tubo Pintura / Paint Tube: ***Blue Paint (n/a)
Skybox: Scarlet Creative Love by Charlotte Bartlett (Marketplace) (Free!)
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