YoU by geMyle ! !IT! July, 2019

YoU by geMyles - Couture Kisha Bloggers Set All bodies
Will be separated into body types, Maitreya, Belleza Freya, and Isis and Slink Hourglass The top & skirt are strips, click & play, Included is a leather choker with ribbon and bell, both plain and RLV and boots 5 Colours Red, Black, Blue, Pink, and lilac Black is ultra-rare along with a Hud version of all the colors, Red is Rare and rest are common. Price 50L per play At [MH] Couture By Design Store 

 !IT! - Gemma Bracelets 1. @ Main Store
 100% unrigged resizable mesh jewelry, materials enabled, HUD driven
  6 packages discounted  at 60L in the MP and store: 10 metal versions, 
   8 up to 11 gem colors per package.

erratic/chris - blindfold
:::Phoenix::: Maisie Hair Browns 


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