.::WoW Skins::. MOoH! Avada~ October 2020

 Click images to enlarge for better detail.
Maitreya Lara Bento
  Catwa HDPRO Majeredjed

 Only 99L During the weekend 
Diana for Catwa HDPRO Majeredjed
5 skin tones at 99 L each
Catwa skin full body BOM
cleavage option/no brow option
Mole in separate layer BOM
Maitreya and Legacy appliers and BOM
shape c/m sold separately 
Each tone includes:
cleavage option
Mole in separate layer BOM
Maitreya & Legacy Appliers & BOM
shape c/m sold apart
  MOoH! Venus outfit @  Mad circus
Oct 10th - 31st
 sexy mermaid skeleton gown
Hair is included. 

Avada~ Effrayee Ballerina @ Mainstore
10 designs:
for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink & Tonic mesh bodies



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