Audition - Tastic - :CAZAMI:

 Head: Letluka - EvoX Avalon 
Body - Maitreya 
Click images to enlarge for better detail.

Audition - Free Spirit Bento Pose Set
Tastic - Be Cool Unicorn Hat Top
Includes by hud white and pink
Maitreya, Belleza [Isis, Freya ], Slink [Physique, Hourglass ] Legacy.

Tastic - Cute Kitty Jeans 
8 Textures sold separately
Hud with all colors, bonus texture
and 3 belt colors in fat-pack only

Tastic - Unicorn Sneakers
Unrigged with Touch Resizer.
Maitreya , Belleza , Slink

:CAZAMI: Avery Earrings
Unrigged Mesh Earrings
Modify and Copy
Eight metal colors
Two hoop thicknesses.
Original Mesh
 :CAZIMI: Holo EvoX Lipsticks
Please try the demo.
Bom Layers for Lelutka Head Only.
12 Lipstick, 2 Shine Enhancers, 3 Opacities

:CAZIMI: Catty EvoX Eyeliners.
Please try Demo.
Bom Layers For Lelutka Head Only
12 Eyeliners, 3 Opacities, Black and Tintable White


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